Monday, 7 March 2011

1st UK GIG + NEW CD...

March 1st saw the home soil debut of R.S.Seizure live, playing with Timothy C. Holehouse, I added atomspheric drone + samples to a full band:
Timothy C. Holehouse - acoustic guitar, effects, vocals.
R.S.Seizure - processed guitar, electronics, samples.
Joel Klaverkamp - drums.
Stuart Coggins - Bass.
No name as yet, but will be in a studio early april to record!

My newest CD is now available, but only as a limited double CDR right now, CD 1 is guitar bassed (tracks 1&2) guitar + samples track 3 & mainly samples + field recordings on tracks 4&5, all very heavily processed.
CD 2 is 3 tracks featuring Andrew Mackinnon on guitar + beats.
Really happy with the end results, got stuck with some titles so ended up just going with untitled tracks (CD 1 'I-IV', CD2 'I-III')

Tracks I & II: