Interview printed in Time Out Magazine just before I left Hong Kong...
apart from the fact they made me look like a dick by printing that I thought my name was "pretty cool" (comment made by the journalist, not me!) The name "seizure" just stems from a track written by my old guitarist, "Julia's Seizure" that came about when my wife julia was pissed because I was late meeting her due to a practice over running! She ended up adopting the name Julia Seizure for her work so I ending up being known as Mr. Seizure... the "S" in Ross S. Seizure is just because some of my recording was under the name "RSC" or "Ross SC" due to the large SC tattoo on my throat.
To be honest, I'm not sure how or why they ended up using my real name, nobody except my family even use it anymore!
I was happy I guess, but I'm not one for interviews & need to be pushed...